“To every thing there is a season, and time to every purpose under heaven.” –Eccl. 3:1(KJV)
For the past 28 years, Jack Jurchecko has been a rock in the foundation of Centryco. He has provided engineering expertise to enable us to meet our customers’ specific needs, launch new product lines, and streamline and finesse our production processes.
At this time, Jack has elected to retire and switch his focus to his family. With his wife, Sue, he’ll be spending more time doing the activities that had been limited to vacation hours. Now they can share time and fun with his daughter and her family. Even more importantly, they can be full time doting grandparents to young “ARG”.
While we will surely miss seeing him on a daily basis, we know he’ll stop by and advise us when we ask.
Enjoy retirement, Jack – for this is your season and time!